Raw Wafer Industry Utilization, Pricing Trends, and Supply-Demand Outlook (2025-2035)

Raw Wafer Industry Utilization, Pricing Trends, and Supply-Demand Outlook (2025-2035)


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1. Executive Summary
  • Overview of the Raw Wafer Industry
  • Key Insights for Investors and Industry Stakeholders
2. Raw Wafer Market Overview
  • Current Landscape: Memory and Logic Wafer Utilization
  • Impact of Semiconductor Demand on Raw Wafer Production
3. Pricing Trends and Contract Dynamics
  • Analysis of Long-Term Agreements (LTAs) and Contract Prices into 2024 and Beyond
  • Spot Pricing Trends for 12″ and 8″ Wafers
  • Factors Affecting Contract Compliance in the Current Cycle
4. Supply and Demand Dynamics in the Raw Wafer Industry
  • Supply-Side Overview: Expansion Plans, Capacity, and Production Constraints
  • Demand-Side Overview: Impact of Fab Utilization Cuts and Memory/Logic Wafer Demand
  • Comparison Between Current and Previous Cycles in Supply-Demand Trends
5. ASML Capacity Inefficiency and Its Implications
  • Analysis of ASML’s Comment on Capacity Inefficiency
  • Reasonableness of the Additional 10% Demand on Raw Wafer Capacity
  • Potential Impact on Wafer Makers and Their Expansion Plans
6. Industry Risks and Expansion Plans
  • High Inventory at Fab Level: What Will Trigger Wafer Makers to Cancel Expansion?
  • Potential Risks in Wafer Supply and Expansion Plans
  • Outlook for Cancelations or Delays in Expansion
7. Future Outlook for the Raw Wafer Market
  • Demand Forecast for Raw Wafer Utilization (2025-2035)
  • Market Adjustments and Pricing Expectations
  • Strategic Recommendations for Wafer Makers and Investors
8. Conclusion
  • Summary of Industry Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • Recommendations for Wafer Industry Stakeholders and Investors